Andrea Gibby has been Mayor of the City of Young Harris since 2008. Since taking office, Mayor Gibby has expertly managed significant challenges facing this small city, including budget deficits, slow growth, and limited infrastructure.
Mayor Gibby’s s priorities have been infrastructure improvement, park and trails expansion, and economic development. Working closely with the city council and community, the city was able to leverage loans and funding of 6.5 million dollars to expand both water and wastewater infrastructure. There is another 3.5 million in improvements and expansion tagged for future expansion and upgrades. The community believes in outdoor spaces. Utilizing grants and SPLOST as well as in-kind labor, Mayor Gibby has been instrumental in creating or expanding two parks and is working on a third park scheduled to open in 2022. Planning and Community Conversations have been important in the visioning and success of Young Harris. The Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Trails Plan, and Blueprint for Economic and Community Development, along with a comprehensive county-wide Economic Development Strategy is the visioning guide for future growth in the city.
Relationships are the key to any successful community. A certified mediator and facilitator, Mayor Gibby utilizes these skills to engage the community in growth and development. Additionally, Placemaking as is a tool for community development. Driven by community involvement, Placemaking has been an incredible tool driving visioning and practical steps toward smart growth and development.
Mayor Gibby currently serves on several boards and commissions, including the Equity and Inclusion Commission, Child and Youth Committee, as well as the GMA Board of Directors. Currently, local initiatives include forming a Youth Leadership Institute and GICH (Georgia Initiative for Quality Housing).