Georgia’s Rural–Urban Disparities: Trends and Policy Challenges
From 2000 to 2020, Georgia’s urban/suburban population grew by 42%, while rural Georgia’s population grew by 1%.
Jan Nijman, Director, Urban Studies Institute, Georgia State University
Brian Blake, President, Georgia State University
Sally Wallace, Dean, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University
9:30-10:00 “Gauging the Gaps Between Metro Atlanta and the Rest of Georgia.” Charles Hayslett.
10:00-10:30 “Private sector investment disparities across Georgia.” Jennifer Zeller. Manager, Strategic Solutions Team, Georgia Power.
10:30-11:00 “The Georgia Way: Achieving Inclusion One Innovation at a Time.” Dr. Debra Lam, Founding Executive Director, Partnership for Inclusive Innovation and Managing Director, Smart Cities and Inclusive Innovation, Georgia Tech.
11:00-11:30 “Today’s Inequities that are Impacting Health in Rural Georgia.” Dr. Dominic Mack. Professor of Family Medicine and Director of the National Center for Primary Care at Morehouse School of Medicine
11:30 – 12:00 Q & A (submit questions to [email protected])
1:00-1:05 Introduction and moderation by Sam Williams, Assistant Director, Urban Studies Institute
1:05- 1:30 “Rural and Urban Disparities: Education – Cause, Result, or Even a Factor?” David Bridges. President, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
1:30- 1:40 Q&A (submit to [email protected])
1:40-2:30 “Placemaking and Policy Challenges in GA, Mayoral panel. Moderated by Larry Hanson, Executive Director of the Georgia Municipal Association. With:
Dr. Hardie Davis, Mayor of Augusta GA
Matt Seale, Mayor of Ocilla GA
Andrea Gibby, Mayor of Young Harris GA
Van Johnson, Mayor of Savannah GA
2:30- 2:40 Q&A (submit to [email protected])
2:45-3:15 Keynote Speech, Rethinking the Urban-Rural Divide, Douglas Hooker, Executive Director, Atlanta Regional Commission.
3:15- 3:25 Q & A (submit to [email protected])
3:25 Closing Remarks
Morning 9:00 - 12:00
Time marker
2:00 – President Blake
7:00 – Dean Wallace
16:30- Charles Hayslett
49:00- Jennifer Zeller
1:23:00- Debra Lam
1:44:00- Dominic Mack
2:18:00- Q & A
Afternoon 1:00- 3:30
Time marker
2:18 – President Bridges
31:00 – Mayoral Panel & GMA
1:31:00 – Doug Hooker Keynote
2:09:00 – Closing Remarks