Dave Sjoquist
Professor Economics Economics, Urban Studies Institute- Education
Ph.D., Economics, University of Minnesota
- Specializations
Teaching: public economics
Research: State and local public economics; Economics of education, particularly the effects of merit-based financial aid; State and local economic development; Income distribution and equity
- Biography
A specialist in the field of public finance, Sjoquist has an extensive interest in urban economics, especially local economic development, central city poverty, and education policy. He has published extensively on topics such as analysis of public policies, teenage employment, capital maintenance expenditures, local government fiscal conditions and the urban underclass. His current research interests include property taxation, school financing, local sales and income taxes.
He is a professor in the Department of Economics, and additionally affiliated with the Center for State and Local Finance and Fiscal Research Center.
- Publications
“An Exploration of Differential State Responses to Changes in Fiscal Conditions” (with Robert Buschman), Public Budgeting and Finance, 2017, 37(1): 47-67.Past Trends and Future Prospects of the American City: The Dynamics of Atlanta (editor), Lexington Press, 2009.
“Economic and Spatial Effects of Land Value Taxation in an Urban Area: An Urban Computable General Equilibrium Approach” (with Ki-Whan Choi), Land Economics, 2015, 91(3): 536-555.
“Long-run Earnings Mobility Among Low-Income Individuals” (with Brett Mullins, Mark Rider, and Sally Wallace), Journal of Economics and Public Finance, 2016, 2(1): 154-170
“The Effect of State Merit-based Financial Aid on the Choice of College Major” (with John Winters), Journal of Labor Economics, 2015, 33(4): 973-1006.
“The Effect of Insurance Premium Taxes on Interstate Differences in the Size of the Property-Casualty Insurance Industry” (with Martin Grace and Laura Wheeler) National Tax Journal, 2014, 67(1): 151-181.
“Foreclosures and Local Government Revenues from the Property Tax: The Case of Georgia School Districts” (with James Alm and Robert D. Buschman), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014, 46: 1-11.
“Merit Aid and Attendance at Elite Colleges” (with John Winters), Southern Economic Journal, 2016, 83(2): 527-549.