David Schlifka
PhD Candidate, Urban Studies- Education
Masters of Planning and Policy - University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras; San Juan, PR (2013)
Bachelor of Arts, Hispanic Studies, Government - Hamilton College; Clinton, NY (2009)
- Specializations
Suburban evolution, suburban foreign-born migration, residential and small-business displacement prevention, equitable redevelopment, affordable housing
- Biography
David has worked for the past 3.5 years in suburban Atlanta as a planner, now AICP-certified, with the Gwinnett County Department of Planning and Development while focusing on zoning administration, long-range planning, and equitable redevelopment. Before Gwinnett, he worked for several years with the Caño Martín Peña communities in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in areas such as adult literacy and property administration for a community land trust. David is interested in the evolution of suburbs and researching strategies and policies to help stakeholders prepare to address challenges traditionally regarded as urban core problems, as they increasingly manifest in suburban contexts throughout the United States and abroad.