Joyce E. King
Professor Education Educational Policy Studies, Urban Studies Institute- Education
Ph.D. in social foundations of education, Stanford University
- Biography
Joyce E. King holds the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair for Urban Teaching, Learning and Leadership at GSU. She has served as Provost at Spelman College, Associate Provost, Medgar Evers College (CUNY), Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Diversity Programs at the University of New Orleans, Director of Teacher Education at Santa Clara University and Head of the Department of Ethnic Studies at Mills College. Her concept of “dysconscious racism” continues to influence education research and practice and the sociology of race. She is leading a Comparative Urban Partnership grant with faculty in South Africa and Brazil and she is Principal Investigator for a Collaborative Opportunity Grant funded by the Association of Public Land Grant Universities (APLU).
Dr. King’s urban education-related publications focus on a transformative role for culture in curriculum, urban teacher effectiveness, morally engaged and community-mediated inquiry and Black education research and policy. She is an editorial board member for the journal, Urban Education and co-edited the top-ranked journal, Review of Education Research.
- Publications
Selected publications:
A reparatory justice curriculum for human freedom: Rewriting the story of African American dispossession and the debt owed. African American History, 102, 213-231, 2017.
“We may well become accomplices”: To rear a generation of spectators is not to educate at all. Educational Researcher, 45(2), 159-172, 2016.
“Who dat say (we) too depraved to be saved?” Re-membering Katrina/Haiti (and beyond): Critical studyin’ for human freedom. Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), 343-370. Summer, 2011.
Re-membering History in Student and Teacher Learning, 2012
The Afrocentric Praxis of Teaching for Freedom: Connecting Culture to Learning, 2014
Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis and Education for Human Freedom—Through the Years I Keep on Toiling—The Selected Works of Joyce E. King, 2015.