Robert Lloyd
PhD Candidate, Urban Studies- Education
MA in Anthropology, 2017, Georgia State University
BA in Anthropology, 2004, State University of New York at Albany
- Specializations
Urban cultures and subcultures; urban ecosystems and infrastructure; urban transformations and futures; sustainability and resilience; social movements; collective visioning, planning, and action.
- Biography
Current and recent projects:
- Research fellow for the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) and the Growing Convergence Research Program (GCR)
- Flood vulnerability in 6 US cities (contributor to team research paper; publication pending)
- Resident engagement with storm/groundwater infrastructure in New Orleans, Louisiana (Dissertation research in planning stages)
- The Atlanta BeltLine: Resident usage types and expectations (Dissertation research in planning stages)
- Popular urbanism publication: “The Promise of Sisko’s New Orleans” (2019) –