Ryan Rowberry
Associate Professor Law College of Law, Urban Studies Institute- Education
J.D. Harvard Law School
- Biography
Ryan Rowberry, associate professor of law, is the Co-Director for the Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth. He teaches Property Law, Natural Resources Law, Environmental Law, and Anglo-American Legal History. Rowberry’s research concentrates on legal issues involving historic and natural resources. Rowberry has published extensively on the topics of identification, value, and protection of urban cultural resources being impacted by climate change.
- Publications
- Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law, 4th (West Publishing) (with Julian Juergensmeyer, Thomas E. Roberts, and Patricia Salkin) (Forthcoming 2017)
- Historic Preservation Law in a Nutshell (West Academic Publishing, 2014) (with Sara Bronin).
- Core Capabilities and Capacities of Developer Nonprofits in Post-Disaster Community Rebuilding, 17 Natural Hazards Review 1, American Society of Civil Engineers (2016) (with John Marshall and Ann-Margaret Esnard).
- Laws Regarding Controversial Cultural Heritage in South Africa and the United States: Public Monuments and Street Names, 63 Studia Iuridica, 263 Warsaw, Poland (2016) (with Gordon Pirie).
- Alleviating Barcelona’s Public Housing Shortages Through Historic Properties, 297 Revista de Derecho Urbanístico 157, Madrid, Spain (2015).
- Urban Wreckage and Resiliency: Articulating a Practical Framework for Preserving, Reconstructing and Building Cities, 50 L. Rev. 49 (2014) (with John Marshall).
- Anchoring Memory in the Face of Disaster: Technology and Istanbul’s Cultural Heritage Preservation Regime, 8 Bahçeşehir U. L. Rev. 195 (2014), Istanbul, Turkey.
Book Chapters
- Avoiding Atlantis: Protecting Urban Cultural Heritage from Disaster, in How Cities Will Save the World 49 (Ray Brescia and John Marshall, eds., 2016).
- Habitat Conservation Plans and the Endangered Species Act, in Endangered Species Act: Law, Policy and Perspectives 220 (Donald Baur & Robert Irvin eds., 2d ed. 2009) (with Doug Wheeler).