Taylor Shelton
Assistant Professor- Education
PhD, Geography, Clark University, 2015
- Biography
Dr. Taylor Shelton is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Georgia State University. Working at the intersection of critical human geography and geographic information science, Dr. Shelton is interested in how urban spaces and social inequalities are represented, reproduced and contested through maps and data. In particular, his work focuses on using mapping and data visualization to develop alternative understandings of urban inequalities, especially in relation to issues of housing speculation, property ownership and neighborhood segregation.
- Publications
Selected Publications:
Ate Poorthuis, Taylor Shelton, Matthew Zook (2021). Changing neighborhoods, shifting connections: mapping relational geographies of gentrification using social media data. Urban Geography, forthcoming.
Taylor Shelton, Ate Poorthuis (2019). The nature of neighborhoods: using big data to rethink the geographies of Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Unit system. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109(5): 1341-1361.
Taylor Shelton, Thomas Lodato (2019). Actually existing smart citizens: expertise and (non) participation in the making of the smart city. City 23(1): 35-52.
Taylor Shelton (2018). Mapping dispossession: eviction, foreclosure and the multiple geographies of housing instability in Lexington, Kentucky. Geoforum 97: 281-291.
Taylor Shelton (2018). Rethinking the RECAP: mapping the relational geographies of concentrated poverty and affluence in Lexington, Kentucky. Urban Geography 39(7): 1070-1091.