Tim Kellison
Assistant Professor Kinesiology & Health Kinesiology & Health, Urban Studies Institute- Education
Ph.D., Sport Management, Florida State University
- Biography
Tim Kellison’s primary areas of research are the politics of public stadium financing, urban and regional planning, and environmentally sustainable design. The unifying theme of his scholarship is the study of the ways in which sport organizations influence trends and developments with respect to various sociopolitical issues. Specifically, Kellison’s research focuses on the impact of major sports stadium developments, including their various social, political, economic, and environmental consequences (both positive and negative) for the local community. A second emphasis of Kellison’s work is the intersection of sport and environmental sustainability.
- Publications
Selected publications:
Refereed Journal Articles
Kellison, T. B., Newman, J. I., & Bunds, K. S. (2017). Framing democracy: Stadium financing and civic paternalism in Test Market, USA. Sport in Society, 20, 1548–1564.
Kellison, T. B., & Kim, Y. K. (2017). Public attitudes toward no-vote stadium subsidies: The development and validation of an ex post proxy referendum. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 9, 469–489.
Kellison, T. B. (2016). No-vote stadium subsidies and the democratic response. International Journal of Sport Management, 17, 452–477.
Huberty, L. L., Kellison, T. B., & Mondello, M. J. (2016). Fan mobilization and the Minnesota sport-stadium campaign. International Journal of Sport Communication, 9, 191–208.
Mondello, M. J., & Kellison, T. B. (2016). Sport stadium referendums: Factors influencing the success or failure of ballot initiatives. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 10, 139–155.
Kellison, T. B., & McCullough, B. P. (2016). A forecast for the mainstreaming of environmental sustainability. Sport and Entertainment Review, 2(1), 11–18.
Kellison, T. B., Trendafilova, S., & McCullough, B. P. (2015). Considering the social impact of sustainable stadium design. International Journal of Event Management Research, 10, 63–83.
Kellison, T. B., & Hong, S. (2015). The adoption and diffusion of pro-environmental stadium design. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15, 249–269.
Kellison, T. B., & Mondello, M. J. (2014). Civic paternalism in political policymaking: The public justification for no-vote stadium subsidies. Journal of Sport Management, 28, 162–175.
Kellison, T. B., & Mondello, M. J. (2013). In the continued pursuit of stadium initiatives following past failures: An analysis of the Los Angeles Farmers Field proposal. Journal of Venue and Event Management, 4(2), 34–45.
Kellison, T. B., & Mondello, M. J. (2012). Organisational perception management in sport: The use of corporate pro-environmental behaviour for desired facility referenda outcomes. Sport Management Review, 15, 500–512.
Edited Book
McCullough, B. P., & Kellison, T. B. (Eds.). (2017). Routledge handbook of sport and the environment. New York: Routledge.
Book Contributions
Kellison, T. B., & Casper, J. M. (2017). Environmental legacy of mega sport events. In I. Brittain, J. Bocarro, T. Byers, & K. Swart (Eds.), Legacies of mega-events: Fact or fairy tales? (pp. 445–455). London: Routledge.
Kellison, T. B., & Cintron, A. M. (2017). Building stadiums, building bridges: Geopolitical strategy in China. In C. Esherick, R. E. Baker, S. Jackson, & M. Sam (Eds.), Case studies in sport and diplomacy (pp. 121–135). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.