Xinyu Fu
Postdoctoral Associate- Education
Ph.D. Urban and Regional Planning, University of Florida
Master in Transportation Engineering, University of Florida
Master in Community Planning, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Bachelor Water and Wastewater Engineering, South China University of Technology
- Biography
Xinyu Fu is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Urban Studies Institute.
His dissertation research focuses specifically on the adaptation planning endeavors for sea-level rise among the coastal cities in the US and aims to provide planning and policy implications for translating these emerging plans into on-the-ground adaptation actions. Xinyu’s primary research interests rest on urban resilience and sustainability in the face of climate change and he hopes to conduct evidence-based research and studies to help communities become more resilient and sustainable. His current research at USI is to explore the urban ramifications of climate change, particularly sea-level rise, in relation to the coastal infrastructures and developments.
- Publications
Fu, X, and Peng, Z. (2019) Assessing the Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability in Coastal Communities: A Case Study in the Tampa Bay Region, US. Cities 88:144-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2018.10.007.
Song, J, Fu, X, Wang, R, Gu, Z and Peng, Z (2018). Does Planned Retreat Matter? Investigating Land Use Change Under the Impacts of Flooding Induced by Sea Level Rise. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 23(5), 703-733.
Fu, X, and Song, J. (2017) Assessing the Economic Costs of Sea Level Rise and Benefits of Coastal Protection: A Spatiotemporal Approach. Sustainability. 9(8), 1495-1509.
Fu, X, Gomma, M, Deng, Y and Peng, Z (2017) Adaptation Planning for Sea Level Rise: A Study of US Coastal Cities. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 60(2), 249-265.
Song, J, Fu, X, Gu, Y, Deng, Y and Peng, Z. (2017) An Examination of Land Use Impacts of Sea Level Rise Induced Flooding. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 17(3), 315-334.
Deng, Y, Young, C, Fu, X, Song, J and Peng, Z. (2017) The Integrated Impacts of Human Activities and Rising Sea Level on The Saltwater Intrusion in The East Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Natural Hazards. 85(2), 1163-1088.
Fu, X, Song, J, Sun, B and Peng, Z (2016) “Living on the Edge”: Estimating the Economic Cost of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Real Estate in Tampa Bay Region, Florida. Ocean & Coastal Management. 133, 11-17.