Pandemic U: Reflecting on Student Housing and Urban Life during and after COVID-19
Pandemic U: Reflecting on Student Housing and Urban Life during and after COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is having profound impacts on universities. With established ways of doing business placed under severe strain, this [...]COVID-19 and public transportation; when there is change, there is opportunity.
COVID-19 and public transportation; when there is change, there is opportunity.
The headwinds facing mass transportation systems as a result of COVID-19 are already well documented; the mass gatherings that exist [...]Courts in Crisis: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Eviction Court in Georgia
Courts in Crisis: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Eviction Court in Georgia
There’s a common quip in Georgia – the fact that the state has 159 counties means there are 159 different [...]Capitalism for Rent?
Capitalism for Rent?
Pre-COVID-19, the lack of affordable housing for low-income households was nothing new in cities across the country. Over the last [...]Pandemic – Impact on Anchor Institutions
Pandemic – Impact on Anchor Institutions
Universities and hospitals are significant anchor institutions, rooted in place, unlikely to relocate, and stable during economic uncertainty, with highly [...]Will Mass Transportation Have Its Place in a Post-COVID World?
Will Mass Transportation Have Its Place in a Post-COVID World?
One of the core values of urbanists – density – is under siege in the wake of COVID 19. Everything [...]Resilient Urban Futures: Is this an occasion for radical transformation?
Resilient Urban Futures: Is this an occasion for radical transformation?
As with climate change, the COVID-19 health crisis will not affect everyone equally. The pandemic will likely intensify threats posed […]